1. Survey and Workshops

The Equasis Management Unit (MU) launched in beginning of 2021 a questionnaire/survey on the Equasis website to make Equasis fit for purpose for its users over the next decade.

The Equasis MU received about 2400 replies and invited those who responded to a remote workshop.
The interactive session with audience and poll questions was held in April 2021 to discuss these results.


The result of the survey was also presented in the workshops for the Editorial Board.

The presentation of the survey results can be found here.

2. Promotional video

A promotional video was released about the services Equasis offers.
The video can be found here:

3. New system of account management

On the 17th of December, a new system of account management has been released.
The objective of this new system is to increase the securisation of the accounts, with a new system to manage the password, a change on the password format, and to add a security when too many failed login are registered.
A specific help document has been prepared to help our users with this new system.

Equasis started the process of deactivating the Equasis mobile app by giving users the option to create a shortcut on the Equasis website on the screen of their mobile device (phone or tablet), as previously with the mobile app.

The Equasis Mobile App will be deactivated from 17 October 2020.

1. USCG E-Zero

Equasis began to include data on ships that have earned the USCG E-Zero designation on their QUALSHIP 21 certificate.

2. Tokyo and Indian Ocean MoUs

Underperforming lists of shipping produced by the Tokyo and Indian Ocean MoUs have been added to the Equasis website.

3. General Data Protection

The Equasis website becomes compliant with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

4. Workshop of AIS data

Equasis held a workshop on the potential inclusions and use of AIS data on our website Equasis. The conclusion of the workshop was that this proposal did not contribute to the overall objectives of Equasis. This conclusion was then supported by the Equasis Supervisory Committee.

5. New Data Providers

- Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF),

- Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI),

- Abuja MoU (Port State Control for West and Central African Region) became a data provider on 25 September 2019 and started sharing their inspection data from the last 3 years with Equasis.

1. Fishing vessels

Aiming to further promote a quality culture throughout the maritime industry as a whole and to increase transparency, Equasis has expanded its data adding safety and environment information on over 25,000 Fishing Vessels.

2. New Data Providers

They joined Equasis as new data providers:

- Black Sea MoU,

- Phoenix Register of Shipping, and

- Overseas Marine Certification Services (OMCS Class).

3. Double Reporting

Equasis raises the issue of Double Reporting by the member States of two regional PSC organisations with the data providers and the issue, and potential solutions are discussed at IMO.

1. New Version of Equasis

Version 3 was developed and installed on the Equasis Website on the 7th March 2017

2. Equasis users

The average number of regular users of both the classic website and the mobile application peaked at 36,000 in March 2017 for the first time and a new record of 50,000 users a day was reached on the 7th March.

1. Signing ceremony of the updated Equasis MoU

The contracting parties forming the Supervisory Committee of Equasis recognising the need to expand Equasis to other relevant activities of maritime transport, endorsed an update to the MoU of Equasis to include, amongst other elements, the gathering of data related with the protection of the environment as part of its core mission. In this respect a signing ceremony of the updated Equasis MoU was held on the 6th July in IMO premises.

2. Five-Year Strategy Plan

On the 7 December 2016, the Five-Year Strategy Plan (2015-2020) was approved by 34th Supervisory Committee.

3. Updated Data Providers Accreditation Procedure (DPAP)

Amended version of Data Providers Accreditation Procedure adopted during the 33rd Supervisory Committee meeting.

4. Equasis participation in 13th Riyadh MoU Committee Meeting

On 25th January 2016, the Equasis MU was invited to deliver a presentation on Equasis Information System during the 13th Riyadh MoU Committee Meeting.

1. Finalisation of the Advanced User Profile

2. Development of the My Equasis Feature

3. Tokyo MoU data included in Equasis instead of being accessed through a hyperlink

1. Ship info page has been upgraded with flag ship image, detail of the type of ban, geographical information - trade shipping location by month

2. Into inspection ship page, we add the type of inspection, detail for inspection from Tokyo MoU, categories of defiencies

3. Minor corrections and enhancements into website

4. Company info page, with the image of the country of the company, update of the summarize in PDF

The 28th supervisory committee ended with the signing of the memorandum of understanding Equasis by Brazil representatives.

In the history of Equasis, Brazil becomes the 11th country to participate in this project and the first from South America area

Haroldo de Oliveira Amaral (Brésil); Theresa Crossley (EMSA, co-chair); Jean-Luc Le Liboux (France, co-chair); Leonardo Mendonça Pires (Brésil)

1. Ship search function has been improved to allow multi search criteria.

2. Surveys function is available and from the page 'My Equasis', an quick access to follow your surveys.

3. In the ship page, IMO Conventions ratified by the flag of the ship are now available.

4. In the About equasis page, IMO Conventions ratified also display by the flag.

5. Other improvements around IACS or labels.

Apps are available for iOS Apple and Android based smartphones and tablets.

They are downloading from Itunes for Apple IOS and GooglePlay for Android IOS.

Note, you need an existing account first before you can use it and new registration only allows from the standard website.

Equasis, now, provides a dedicated website to be used on mobile devices with smaller screens at http://mobile.equasis.org.

In a few weeks, apps will be available for iOS and Android based smartphones and tablets.

This new website has most of the features of the standard website, but you need to have created an account first before you can use it.

Note, new registration only allows from the standard website

1. Within the ship/company page, you can select the current ship/company to include it in your private 'favourite' list.

2. The page 'My Equasis' gives you quick access to your favourite ships/companies

3. You can choose to receive email notification when an information has been added or changed for one of your favourite ship/company

4. In the 'My Equasis' page, you have access to the last date of modification for each of your favourite ship/company

5. In the ship/company page, a few factual 'keys indicators' are now available

6. In the Home Page, you have a list of the last updates made in Equasis

7. In 'About Equasis', the flag administration performance from a PSC point of view are available (Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU and USCG)

8. When available, deficiencies are now displayed in the PSC details of an inspection, instead of only the 'category' of the deficiency

Print whole ship or company folder into a pdf file

In each ship or company page , you will find a pdf logo. Clicking on and a pdf file generated

Company info page

We restored synthesis table of inspection concerning a fleet of a company.

But note that sumarize by company is made without Tokyo MoU inspections because we don't receive details of inspections

Public data update page

How to know last data updated in EQUASIS!! Now, you can consult a new page " Data Update " under "About Equasis" section

List orders by last upload

News Release

In order to help improve overall security on the Equasis website, a number of measures will be implemented in the coming weeks. The main changes will be:


In future, your email address will become your 'login', and this will be required at each login. The changes to the login screen, are shown in the screenshot below:

New Users:

Upon first registration, a password will be generated by Equasis and transmitted to you via the email address you have provided. (The password cannot be changed by the user). An example of the registration form is shown below:

At the end of registration form, the random code (picture) must be entered in the 'captcha' box in order to submit the form.

The email will include the password together with a hyperlink to enable you to validate your account the account will need to be validated within 7 days of receipt of the email. An example of the message generated is shown below:

Existing Users:

Existing user accounts will remain valid, however, it will be necessary for you to login using your email address. Your existing password will remain valid.

However, if you make any changes to your existing account using the 'Update Your Profile' feature, this will generate a new password. This password will be sent to you via the email address you have previously provided.

News Release

Dear User,

During the coming weeks, a number of measures will be implemented to help improve overall security on the Equasis website.

Existing Users

A thorough review of existing user accounts will be undertaken in the near future. In order to ensure continuity of usage, existing users are kindly requested to ensure that their active accounts are provided with an up-to-date email address. Accounts dormant for more than six months will be deleted from the system.

New Users

In future, in order to gain access to Equasis, new users will have to provide a valid email address to which their account will be linked. If no valid email address is provided, then registration cannot be completed, and access will be denied.

News Release

Please note that, the Equasis Management Unit has re-located its office in Lisbon to the following address:



Cais Do Sodré,

1249-206 LISBON


The email address remains the same at secretariat@equasis.org

News Release

Equasis, the web-based maritime database has now released its publication 'The World Merchant Fleet in 2006 Statistics' from Equasis.

The publication, which is produced annually from data held within the Equasis database, provides a unique picture of the world's merchant fleet for 2006 and its performance.

The publication contains over 100 pages of in-depth analysis in an easy-to-read, tabular format and includes chapters on classification societies, P&I clubs, port state control inspections plus trade association and industry vetting programmes. Each chapter also includes a narrative presenting informative comment on the results shown in the tables.

An electronic version of the publication is available on the Equasis website by selecting the 'Statistics' link from the homepage of the site.

A limited number of hard copies are also available from the following address:

Equasis - 27 Quai Solidor - CS41846 - 35418 St. Malo Cedex - France

News Release

Please note that, with immediate effect, the Equasis Management Unit has re-located its Paris office to the following address:



Arche de la Defense,

Room 7.58,

92066 Paris La Defense Cedex


The email address remains the same at secretariat@equasis.org

Please update your records accordingly.

News Release

Equasis, the web-based maritime database has recently been updated to include a number of new features and functions to further assist users.

The updated version, which went live at the end of March, 2008, includes publication of new information from high-quality sources and provides greater user accessibility.

Key new features include:

- Publication of inspection report data from the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (IOMoU).

- Inclusion of flag state comments on detentions, provided by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

- A 'Frequently Asked Questions' page.

- Improvements to the 'ship search' function.

- Addition of Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) information from IMO.

- Update of hyperlinks to external data providers such as Q88, CDI and the Green Award together with a new hyperlink to the USCG's QualShip 21 programme.

- Improved data security.

Speaking about the new release, Jacques Benard, Director of Equasis said the latest version of Equasis marks another step forward for the database. The publication of flag state comments in addition to further high-quality inspection information from the IOMoU and IMO, will be of great benefit to key industry decision makers in the fight against sub-standard shipping. Continuing, Benard said and by listening to feedback from our users, we've been able to incorporate some of their ideas and suggestions into the program to help improve user accessibility and functionality too.

Equasis currently attracts more than 25,000 individual users per month, and registration is free, and completed in a simple, one-off procedure.

News Release

Equasis, the Paris-based maritime information database recently gave a presentation to an assembled audience of marine underwriters at Lloyd's of London.

The presentation, organised and hosted by Lloyd's Market Association, was made by Jacques Benard, Director of Equasis on 21st September and took place in the prestigious setting of Lloyd's Old Library at number one, Lime Street in London.

Jacques Benard, commenting on the event said Equasis was delighted to be invited to present the database to such an important group of users. Marine insurers, underwriters and P&I clubs now represent a significant percentage of our regular users and are exactly the type of decision-makers that the database is aimed at. Benard continued making presentations at important events and conferences is vital to promote awareness of Equasis to a wider maritime audience, and helps further underline our objectives in the fight against substandard shipping.

The database, which underwent a major upgrade in January 2007, now regularly attracts over 22,000 users per month, making high quality, safety-related maritime data freely available to the maritime industry as a whole.

The founding MoU for Equasis was signed in May 2000, and a new MoU was signed in January 2007 to reflect an increase in membership by foreign maritime administrations, further securing both the funding and future development of the website.

Jacques Benard, Director of Equasis

News Release

A significant milestone has been reached in the number of users regularly accessing the maritime database Equasis.

During the first 3 months of 2007, figures reveal that the database, which contains safety- related maritime data, regularly received over 20,000 users per month, with those users consistently accessing more than 900,000 separate pages each month during that period.

Jacques Benard, Director of Equasis said these user figures represent a significant milestone for Equasis - up an incredible 70% compared to the same quarter of 2006. With over 20,000 users now regularly visiting the site each month, we feel that Equasis is fast becoming an indispensable tool for the maritime industry to use in the fight against substandard shipping.

Benard added the launch of version 2 of Equasis in January 2007 has succeeded in attracting a greater number of users from decision making sectors such as charterers, insurers and ship managers - exactly the audience at which Equasis was originally aimed which underlines the importance of Equasis to those industries.

Use of Equasis is free of charge and registration is completed in a simple, one off procedure.

The founding MoU for Equasis was signed in May 2000, and a new MoU was signed in January 2007 to reflect an increase in membership by foreign maritime administrations, further securing both the funding and future development of the website.

Jacques Benard, Director of Equasis

News Release

The signing ceremony for the new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Equasis took place on the 25th of January, 2007, at the Royal Horticultural Halls, in London. This important and prestigious event was attended by representatives of member countries that are signatories of the MoU, with the event staged to mark an increase in membership which now includes both Norway and Australia, and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) as the new acting representation for the European Commission.

Jacques Benard, Director of Equasis said today is a very important day for Equasis - with more countries becoming signatory to the MoU, Equasis' future development and stability is further secured, which in turn means better accessibility to safety-related maritime data for members of the public. Benard continued Since its establishment in 2001, Equasis has gone from strength to strength with the site now attracting more than 19,000 hits per month, with over 600,000 pages being viewed.

Operated by public authorities to promote quality in shipping, Equasis is a unique database collecting existing safety-related information on the world's merchant fleet from both public and private sources and making it easily accessible on the Internet. Equasis presents factual information in such a way that ship-by-ship access is possible by using either, the IMO number, call sign or ship's name.

The founding MoU for Equasis was signed back in May, 2000, and today's ceremony was followed by a drinks reception which was attended by over 30 guests.

The new MoU text is available by clicking here

Members preparing to sign the new MoU

The signatories following the event.: (from left to right: Brad Groves (Australia), Manuel Nogueira (Spain), Willem de Ruiter (EMSA), Michel Aymeric (France), Mike Hunter (UK), Leif Asbjorn Nygaard (Norway), and Jeff Lantz (USCG, as observers)).