Any organisation, public or private, that holds reliable and valuable data falling into the scope of Equasis may apply to become a data-provider of Equasis.

The "Data Provider Accreditation Procedure" is a public document available in this section which regulates the process from the time a potential data provider applies to the Equasis Management Unit until the Supervisory Committee takes the final decision.

The procedure describes the activities, including triggers, inputs, outputs and roles of the participant bodies.

Before considering applying, it should be noted that in the context of this accreditation procedure, data is to be provided to Equasis free of charge.

Download the  Data Provider Accreditation Procedure - release 1.5.3

Currently, Equasis contains data supplied by over 56 providers in the following categories:

Disclaimer (Equasis)

Neither Equasis nor its officers or employees shall be under any liability or responsibility whatsoever regarding the data displayed on this site, including hyperlinks. Whilst Equasis will make every effort to provide accurate information, it does not rule out the possibility of inadvertent omissions or inaccuracies.
Neither Equasis nor its officers or employees accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss to any person caused by or arising from any information displayed on this site.
As per Clause 6A of the Equasis MoU, the Members of the Equasis Supervisory Committee and the Organisations, invited as observers to the Committee meetings, accept no liability for the accuracy or reliability of the data displayed on Equasis, nor any liability in connection with the management, operation or use of Equasis.
Visitors are advised to keep in mind following information related to the content of Equasis web site.
It must be emphasised that Equasis does not create data. Equasis only collates and disseminates the information supplied by various providers and does not manipulate or alter in anyway the said information. Therefore, any discrepancy will be rectified by the information provider who will then update the files transmitted to Equasis.

Disclaimer (IHS Maritime)

In accordance with the agreement between Equasis and IHS, you are going to access IHS Maritime data, data pertaining to ship and ownership data (IHS Data).
Any IHS Data is provided on an AS IS basis. You are fully responsible for any access and use of the IHS Data and IHS shall have no liability (whether direct, indirect, consequential or punitive) in relation to such access and use.
IHS Data shall be used for internal business purposes only.
IHS Data must never be used for commercial purposes or to produce a commercial product/service.
Copyright © IHS Global Limited, 2014. All rights reserved

News about flag informations (IHS Maritime)

In accordance with IMO, IHS Maritime has added new flags to replace the current flag of 'IN DISPUTE' as explained below:
"FALSE": any vessel which transmits, broadcasts, displays, or otherwise engages in the misuse of Flag details which are confirmed by the authorized Flag Administration as not being legally registererd under the Flag in question will be designated as False. The False designation shall only be removed upon confirmation by all applicable entities that the designated vessel has met all legal requirements for registreation and use of the Flag.
For legal reasons we are using the word 'FALSE', not the word fraudulent.

Disclaimer (*)

Neither the MoUs (their member Authorities, their Secretariat and their database Manager) nor the United States Coast Guard will be held liable for any loss damage, or harm resulting from the use of information contained in this database, or for any reliance on its accuracy, completeness or timeliness.

Scope of provided information
Classification Society Information, Suspension and Withdrawal of Class

(provider since 2000)

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

Bureau Veritas (BV)

China Classification Society (CCS)

Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS)


Indian Register of Shipping (IRS)

Korean Register (KR)

Lloyds Register (LR)

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)

Polish Register of Shipping (PRS)

Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)

Türk Loydu (TL)
(provider since 2010)
(IACS member since 01 November 2023)


Dromon Bureau of Shipping (DR)
(provider since 2017)

Overseas Marine Certification Services (OMCS)
(provider since 2018)

Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI)
(provider since 2018)

Phoenix Register of Shipping (PhRS)
(provider since 2018)

Emirates Classification Society (TASNEEF)
(provider since 2019)

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS)
(provider since 2000)

Disclaimer (IACS)

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), its Member Societies and IACS Ltd. and their directors, officers, members, employees and agents (on behalf of whom this notice is issued) shall be under no liability or responsibility in contract or negligence or otherwise howsoever to any person in respect of any information or advice expressly or impliedly given in this document, or in respect of any inaccuracy herein or omission here from or in respect of any act or omission which has caused or contributed to this document being issued with the information or advice it contains (if any).
Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, neither the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) nor IACS Ltd. nor its Member Societies nor their directors, officers, members, employees or agents shall be liable in contract or negligence or otherwise howsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss to any person caused by or arising from any information, advice, inaccuracy or omission given or contained herein or any act or omission causing or contributing to any such information, advice, inaccuracy or omission given or contained herein.
Any dispute concerning the provision of material herein is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts and will be governed by English Law.

Disclaimer (Turk Loydu)

Turk Loydu and its directors, managers, officers, members, employees, representatives, agents and clients (on behalf of whom this notice is issued) shall be under no liability or responsibility whatsoever in contract or negligence or otherwise howsoever to any person in respect of any information or advice expressly or impliedly given in this website, or in respect of any inaccuracy herein or omission here from or in respect of any act or omission which has caused or contributed to this website being issued with the information or advice it contains (if any).
Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, neither Turk Loydu nor its directors, managers, officers, members, employees, representatives, agents or clients shall be liable whatsoever in contract or negligence or otherwise howsoever for any direct, indirect and/or consequential loss to any person caused by or arising from any information, advice, inaccuracy or omission given or contained herein or any act or omission causing or contributing to any such information, advice, inaccuracy or omission given or contained herein.
Any dispute concerning the provision of material herein is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Central Courts of Istanbul, Turkey shall be governed by Turkish Law.
Any and all decisions based on information contained herein are the sole responsibility of the user.

Disclaimer (Dromon)

Dromon Bureau of Shipping - DBS assumes no responsibility or legal liability concerning the data’s accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, or usefulness. The data is not intended to constitute advice nor is it to be used as a substitute for specific advice from a professional. Users should not act (or refrain from acting) based upon information in the data without independently verifying the information and obtaining any necessary professional advice. Users are solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy, currency and other qualities of any products derived from or in connection with the DBS’ data.
The data is collected from our survey status system ERETES, and may be modified over time without notice to improve and attribute accuracy.
DBS represents that its data were formulated with a reasonable standard of care. Except for this representation, DBS makes no representation or warranties, expressed or implied. DBS assumes no responsibility or liability associated with use of copyrighted material, including transmitting, reproducing, redistributing, or making commercial use of the data.
DBS does not provide legal advice regarding copyright, fair use, or other aspects of intellectual property rights. Persons contemplating any type of transmission or reproduction of copyrighted material such as abstracts are advised to consult legal counsel.

Disclaimer (OMCS)

This information transmitted electronically from OMCS CLASS database is intended only for Equasis.
Complete accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed.
Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information implies adherence to the Terms of use of Overseas Marine Certification Services (available at ) which form an integral part of this information.

Disclaimer (BKI)

All content in respect of any information or advice expressly or implied on this website, or in connection with any act or omission that causes or contributes to this website is not a liability of BKI and its affiliates.
BKI and its affiliates will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential losses. to any person arising out of information, advice, inaccuracies or omissions provided or herein or any act or omission that causes or contributes to any information, suggestions, inaccuracies or omissions provided or herein. Any data submitted by BKI is only provided to Equasis, The user is solely responsible for the use of such data. In the event of any dispute the applicable law is Indonesian law.
(Semua konten sehubungan dengan informasi atau saran apa pun yang tersurat atau tersirat di situs web ini, atau sehubungan dengan tindakan atau kelalaian yang menyebabkan atau berkontribusi ke situs web ini bukanlah tanggung jawab BKI dan afiliasinya.BKI dan afiliasinya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian langsung, tidak langsung atau konsekuensial. kepada orang yang timbul dari informasi, saran, ketidakakuratan atau kelalaian yang diberikan atau di sini atau tindakan atau kelalaian yang menyebabkan atau memberikan kontribusi terhadap informasi, saran, ketidakakuratan atau kelalaian yang diberikan atau di sini.Setiap data yang diajukan oleh BKI hanya diberikan kepada Equasis, pengguna bertanggung jawab penuh atas penggunaan data tersebut. Jika terjadi perselisihan, hukum yang berlaku adalah hukum Indonesia)

Disclaimer (PhRS)

Phoenix Register of Shipping (PHRS) uses every endeavor to ensure that all its services function with every possible attention and accuracy. Nevertheless, PHRS cannot be held responsible for any mistake, error or omission in the provided information which is transmitted for solely use under Equasis. In any case these data shall not be used in replacement of its official records which are generated and handled by PHRS’ relevant departments. PHRS always maintains the right to modify over time any information in its system and in the data which are transmitted.
Any dispute concerning the provision of material herein is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Greek courts and will be governed by the Greek Law.

Scope of provided information
P&I club covering the ship

International Group of P&I Clubs(*)
(provider since 2000)

Assuranceforeningen Gard - Norway

Assuranceforeningen Skuld - Norway

The Shipowners' Mutual P&I Association

UK P&I Club

Japan Shipowners P&I Association

American Steamship Owners Mutual P&I Association Inc.
(American Club)

Britannia Steamship insurance Association Ltd

The Swedish Club

Steamship Mutual Underwriting Assoc. (Bermuda) Ltd

The West of England Shipowners

NorthStandard Limited

London Steam-Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Assoc. Ltd
(The London Club)

Insurance Companies

Hydor AS
(provider since 07/2014)

Disclaimer (IG P&I)

The P&I Club, its officers, members, employees, agents and managers and employees of its agents and managers shall be under no responsibility or liability for any error or omission of whatsoever kind (whether or not arising from negligence), for any loss or damage howsoever caused, from the provision of information to this website.
It should particularly be noted:
(1) Whilst making all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information the named P&I Club can not and does not represent or guarantee that a ship is entered ( or is not entered as the case may be ) with that Club on the date of record.
(2) Entry with a P&I Club should not be taken as a representation by that P&I Club that the ship, its owners, managers and operators are covered for claims, since ships are entered in a P&I Club subject to the Rules of that P&I Club and any specific terms, conditions and exclusions relating to the ship's entry, including but not limited to Rules, terms, conditions and exclusions concerning payment of calls or premiums and cesser of entry (including retroactive cancellation of cover).
(3) In providing information to Equasis and confirmation of entry, a P&I Club does not consent to act as guarantor or to be sued directly in any jurisdiction whatsoever. The Club does not so consent.

Disclaimer (EMSA)

In accordance with the regulations relating to the European Commission subsidies, it is reminded that:
The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information displayed on the Equasis website.

Disclaimer (IMO)

In accordance with the decision of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council of 14 June 2002, it is noted that:
The International Maritime Organization is not liable for any use that may be made of the information displayed on the Equasis website.