Access to Equasis is free of charge, however, registration is needed prior to accessing the search functions. (The information required for registration is only used for internal statistical purposes)
Equasis is organised as follows:
The fleet displayed on Equasis consists of merchant vessels over 100 GT and fishing vessels that are in service or under construction.
Equasis is designed to offer access on a ship-by-ship basis. To consult a vessel the user needs at least to fill-in one of the following criteria: IMO number, and at least three letters of the ship name or Call Sign.
Equasis is neither a black list nor a white list performance system and therefore does not rate ships. Information provided is as factual as possible and the user is invited to make his own judgement on the quality of the ship they are consulting.
Help screens which include definitions, information on the data provider and on the updating procedures, appear by clicking on each heading. To return click on "previous".
The following ship information is, as a rule, available on Equasis :
However, if information has not been made available to Equasis, then the relevant field and corresponding heading does not appear.
Further information is also available :
If you have found an issue related with the information displayed on Equasis, please use the function "Report an Issue" (use the link available at the page header).
For any other enquiries, please contact us at equasis[at]